Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have cankles!  Aaaaaaaaaaack!  I hope they go away!  I've been wearing flip flops all week because they are cool and my feet fit in them still.  But my legs were sore so I wore a pair of gym shoes to school the other day and my ankles swelled up to the size of small cantaloupes.  You can't tell where my calves end and my ankles begin.  Stretch marks, cottage cheese legs, and now CANKLES!  What's next? No, wait, I'm not sure I want to know.....


cuthbertfamily said...

NOT CANKLES!!!! OMG! I hope Baby Moore appreciates all her mama is sacrificing : )

Mintrees said...

Oh dear! All I can say is that I UNDERSTAND... one of those memories that didn't fade away like "they" said it would! I'm so sorry! My feet were so swollen, Ryan said I had "Misery" ankels (you know, the movie, Misery... nice, huh?)
Keep your feet up when you can. People kept telling me to avoid salt... that didn't work (not that I gave it much effort). What I can promise you is that these will go away once your little bambina arrives. And one day, I swear, you'll barely remember.
Look on the bright side, thanks to your big belly, you can't even see them! ;)
Lots of hugs!! If I were there, I'd rub your feet myself. I miss you-- have a beautiful time tomorrow.
I love you!!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry about your cankles - but i've been thinking lately about how soon it is that i can come out to visit and see the little one!!! :) i miss you and can't wait - and can we have some more updates? i'm so excited for you! :)