Sunday, August 10, 2008

Baby Class Day 2

I think both J.R. and I learned more yesterday than today, because today focused on what they do and what you should do once the baby is here.  J.R. remembers when Tiffany was little and how he helped out.  I haven't really had experience with babies, but I'm much more comfortable with the idea of handling them once they're out.  I think the part I was most nervous about was how to get them out and what to expect at the hospital.  We got to practice holding, swaddling, diapering, breast feeding positions, etc.  And then we watched an inspirational movie by Oprah on how to care for your infant.  Her first line was, "I don't have children, but I've talked to enough experts to know you can't go wrong when you start with love..."  J.R.'s response, "Oprah's so smart!", got a lot of laughs.  At the end of the day, we walked through the labor and delivery rooms.  To quote Ramona (who was the nurse in charge of our class), "They may not have the flat screen tvs or look all fancy like some other hospitals, but they have everything we need and I can guarantee that you will get excellent nursing care here."  In the end, that's what really matters.  All in all, I think we are feeling much better prepared to handle this, and I just keep repeating to myself Ramona's big line, "Just relax and be ready to go with the flow.  We'll get you there."

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