No really, kicking! To the point that she will scoot herself out of any chair, couch, or bed we lay her down on. We have a play mat that I put Amelia on while I play with Keira nearby. I turned around today and she had scooted herself completely off the mat, onto the hardwood floor! I may have found a new Swiffer! She can do a full 180 roll on her back from side to side. It's fun to watch her try to keep Keira in her sights as she's running around the room! Amelia is still growing like a weed. We went to the doctor for an unexpected visit and she is already 15 lbs. 2 oz. That is 7 pounds in 3 and a half months! She has almost doubled, which explains why my back pain is coming back. I need to get back into conditioning so I can build some back muscles just to keep up with her.
Keira is going through an unfortunate phase where she thinks it is funny to tell me no and run away. This is unfortunate for many reasons, not least of which is the fact that Amelia is usually crying throughout these episodes as I have had to put her down to try and accomplish something with Keira. The flip side of this new found independence is an increase in successful potty usage and quite a developing sense of humor. Today I walked up behind her and she turns and says, "Oh, hello Mommy! Pleased to meet you! Enchante!" I have a feeling that I'm raising "that kid". We went to check out a preschool for next year, and all of the children were sitting around the circle rug singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". The teacher had given them a rope to use to row with, and she asked them how they would make the boat go slower, faster, etc. When she asked how to row the boat backward, most of the kids reversed the motion of their arms. My kid turned around, held the rope behind her, and kept on rowin'! I about died laughing!
We have had some great visits in the last few months. Mom & Dad came out for Mia's birth, Gavin came out in early April to meet her & celebrate his birthday, Denny came up for Sabrine's christening, Jennifer came out to spend some time with the girls, we spent a day with Christie at Happy Hollows, and Mom made a return trip for snuggles! Dad arrives for his turn tomorrow, and it's only a matter of time before the rest of the family gets to meet Amelia! We plan to be back in Chicago for a week or so at the end of August/beginning of September.
Here's a few shots of our fun!

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