Thanks to a remarkable confluence of events our daughter has now been to a ridiculous number of Chicago sporting events. J.R.'s company gave us tickets to a Wolves game (minor league hockey) and a Cubs game. Then, over Spring Break, one of the parents at my school who works in promotions for the White Sox offered free tickets to a Bulls game. Then Booth formerly known as GSB had an outing to the White Sox game. And at the end of the month, we'll round it out with a Chicago Fire game! The only two majors she'll be missing are the Bears (too cold) and the Blackhawks (too pricey). So far she's done well with all of them, although the Cubs game was a little scary the first time everyone stood up and screamed. But a little happy face from Mommy helped turn it around! Last night at the Sox game was a little cold, but by the end of the 1st inning, Daddy broke down and bought a big black and white blanket so we could all cuddle in the stands. If Keira isn't sporty, it isn't from lack of her parents trying to imprint it early! Enjoy!

Wait, I've seen this one...Isn't it Angels in the Outfield? Go Sox!

Everybody thought I was a boy...maybe it was the hat. Go Cubbies!

I'm so excited I can't sit still!

Opening Day!!! It's Opening Day!

What do you mean it's too cold for the game?!?!

Baseball Season in Chicago...I guess I'd better get used to it...

Who's this big guy behind us?

Does anyone see the cougar creeping up behind us? Scary!
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