We just got back from Keira's first official birthday party. My girlfriend's daughter just turned one and we simply had to celebrate. The scariest thing was that Victoria and Keira are the same size. Same weight, similar height, the only difference is that Victoria is pulling herself up and walking around tables, while Keira can't quite master sitting up. I am raising a giant. Thought you should know.
PS- Keira wore her favorite party dress from Jackie & Jane's. It's pink and green plaid, very Jackie O, and a size 6-12 months! We had trouble getting her arms through the bodice....
This is hysterical!! After I finished laughing, I had to tell you that Kate, as a baby, was also monsterous. When Emma's best friend, Ella (who is petite... but also 2 & 1/2 years older!!) was three years old and Kate was 6 months, they were 3 pounds apart! Yes.... three pounds! Kate was enormous!
Then, for all that growing her first year, she basically stopped all growing of any kind her second year. So, the baby who was seriously OFF the charts in weight (not height, mind you) was 50 percentile when she was two. Really, I think she gained a pound that year and when we compared her and Emma's growth charts-- she was several inches shorter than Emma at the same age. My kids are weird.
But my point is, it all evens out in the end. And, although you may very well be raising a giant, chances are- she'll slow down a bit at some point.... hopefully before you need traction for a broken back. Besides-- growing babies are healthy babies!!
ps... happy birthday today, darlin'!!
pics of the jacki o look alike? :) love you!
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