Sunday, December 7, 2008

Back to Work

I go back to work tomorrow.  Yes, I know that seems soon to many of you, but it has been 7 weeks and my paid benefits have run out.  So tomorrow morning I will pick up the reins in my classroom once again, and push on through Christmas.  I'm sitting here in my classroom, trying to get a feel for what I've missed and where we're at, and I'm not excited at all.  This is not a good sign.  Usually after breaks I'm revved to see everyone again.  All I keep thinking is I'd rather be home, cuddling Keira.  I lost it this morning when I realized that I wouldn't be able to snuggle her back to sleep after our 6 am feeding anymore.  I really hope I find a way to make this work or it could be a miserable end of the year...

1 comment:

cuthbertfamily said...

I'm so sorry love! This has got to be very tough. Remember what you said, it's only 2 weeks, and you can do anything for 2 weeks right?!! Keep your head up!