Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleep... I miss you!  I have missed too many nap opportunities this week and I am paying the price.  J.R. went back to work this week and his new position has him on his feet all day.  He is exhausted when he gets home and then he has school work to try and get done.  I am finding it very hard to be patient and not get frustrated when she wakes up to feed and doesn't go back to sleep.  I can't wait until she starts sleeping through the night...


Mintrees said...

You are doing (and going to do) fabulously! All your tears & frustrations are soooo normal and shared by all of us mommas... not sure if that makes you feel better, but just want you to know that you are most certainly not alone... but in good company. ;) Lack of sleep is so hard-- I know you've heard the advice: sleep when she sleeps!! You must, my dear.
I love you and know soooo well how much you love being a mommy and, also, how difficult these first few weeks can be. Give yourself a break when & where you can! And just know that we've cried rivers of unexplained tears- it's okay. You're a wonderful, fantastic mom!
I love you!!

Unknown said...

you could also always look for a support group for new mothers! its very possible that the hospital you delivered at offers one...they are usually free and meet once a week. Not saying you need therapy or anything but it does help you understand what is normal to be feeling and the support around you is always well felt! just a thought!

Colleen said...

Actually, I've been going to La Leche League meetings with a friend of mine who used to be a doula and is studying to become a nurse. It has been very helpful to talk to these women who are on the other side of where I am now. Most of them have 1-2 year olds and older children. They have been great about helping me figure out what I'm feeling in terms of breastfeeding, but also remembering the frustrations and fatigue of the first few months. I know it's all normal, but some days it just feels so huge...