Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 40

So I am officially due on Saturday.  We'll have to wait and see if Baby Moore is punctual or not.  I had another checkup today.  Things are still moving in the right direction.  She is head down, I'm still only 1 cm dilated, but I am 60% effaced now, and she has dropped to -3.  Picture a scale from -5 to 5.  -5 is free floating, 5 is one push from being out in the world.  So she has started to move down, but not as far as she will eventually go.  My doctor keeps warning me that first babies are traditionally late, and that they won't induce until I'm at least a week late.  I wonder if he knows something he's not telling me...  On the school front, things are going well.  Jane and I co-taught today and I was able to sit and rest some more.  I'm just feeling a lot more tired this week.  I'm glad it is a short week.  3 more days, just 3 more days...


cuthbertfamily said...

If she's anything like her mama, she'll be punctual! Can't wait my friend! Can't wait!

Colleen said...

If she's anything like her daddy, I'll be pregnant forever! Just kidding honey...

Juliette said...

yikes!!! so exciting! best wishes!