Wednesday, July 2, 2008

6 month check-up

So I had my 6 month check-up today.  All is well with our little girl.  Her heartbeat is strong and fast, I'm 24 inches from belly button on down, and she's quite active.  I have to go in for another ultrasound actually, because she was so active that they didn't see everything they needed to on the first try.  Now for the bad news.  From month 1-5 I gained 10 pounds, right on track, no more, no less.  Then school got out... Apparently sitting on the couch, watching t.v., eating ice cream and Potbelly's sandwiches can actually lead to gaining a potbelly!  Who knew?  Now that I am not walking around all day, wrangling third graders, having small sensible snacks every few hours, I'm not burning as many calories.  Let me tell you, stepping on that scale was a rude awakening!  I don't care how many people say, "It's okay! You're eating for two!"  It's not okay to gain TWELVE POUNDS in one month!  That's more than a whole baby gained in four weeks! My doctor doesn't think it's so great either, since I've been told to come back in two weeks so he can check up on me.  A pound tops by then!  So if anyone feels like going on a nice long walk, followed by a large greens salad with lean chicken chunks, give me a call!  Also, if anyone wants to claim two nearly new quarts of double churn low-fat chocolate cookies & cream or mocha silk swirl, they're in my freezer and yours for the taking!  Please get them away from me!  I think I've proven I can't be trusted...


Gavin said...

Colleen, don't worry if you simply follow the same regimen of the participants of the Biggest Loser (working out 10 hours a day, eating small meals, drinking tons of water, running on treadmills backwards suspended over a pool of water and winning immunity) you too could lose 12 pounds in one week. I'll give you two weeks with the baby, but November 1st, we hit the hanging treadmills over the pool routine for a week. I'll be your Gillian or Bob, I'll let you pick.

Colleen said...

Ooooh Ooooh be Bob! I could run for Bob...;p

cuthbertfamily said...

Your doc is crazy! you look great! Come to my house next week for lunch and I'll make something really healthy!

Mintrees said...


I think thought this entry was great. Very funny. We'll be reaching out to you to talk about blogging as we get for our Italian adventure.


Colleen said...

I'd be glad to help. It's so easy to get started. The tough part is keeping up with postings. I still can't believe you're going to Italy for 2 years! I can't wait to see you in August.