So, today was my first official day off school. I ask you, is there any better way to spend a day than napping with pooches on the couch? Gizmo has found a new favorite perch. She climbs up on top of the belly and curls up into a little ball. Very sweet, but a little painful when she decides to jump down in a flying leap to chase Wicket. Tomorrow I go back to the grindstone, but today was my first lazy day of summer. If Lil' Mo likes naps as much as her mommy does, this will be a cake walk! (Just whammy, no whammy...)
what do you go back to tomorrow - as in what's your job for the summer? i got the impression you were taking it off...
yay blog! :)
You hit the nail on the head. There is nothing better than relaxing with the pooches! It's my favorite thing to do!
I am doing some curriculum work and I need to do some room organizing so that I'm ready for my maternity leave. I'm also taking two correspondence classes this summer.
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