Sunday, December 28, 2008
Baby's First Christmas
Keira had a lovely first Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with my parents, brother, and his wife. After a huge meal at our house, we relaxed on the couch and Keira opened her first present, a play ramp with loads of doodads and mirrors from her Aunt Laura & Uncle Gavin. Then we went to Busi's house Christmas morning for our traditional breakfast and present opening bonanza. Afterwards, we headed to my Aunt Sue's house for my family's traditional late lunch and present bonanza...Are you sensing a theme? Lots of food and fun! It was really great to be able to spend so much time with family on her first Christmas. She got lots of toys and clothes and hugs and kisses! Who could ask for anything more? She was even awake just long enough to watch her presents get opened for her, before crashing again. Merry Christmas all!
2 Month Check-Up
Keira had her 2 month check-up last Monday and everything is going great! She is 24 3/4 inches tall, 16 inches around her head, and 15 pounds! She is able to support her head really well, and is smiling! Perhaps you can tell from my extravagant use of exclamation points that we're really happy about all of this!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Back to Work
I go back to work tomorrow. Yes, I know that seems soon to many of you, but it has been 7 weeks and my paid benefits have run out. So tomorrow morning I will pick up the reins in my classroom once again, and push on through Christmas. I'm sitting here in my classroom, trying to get a feel for what I've missed and where we're at, and I'm not excited at all. This is not a good sign. Usually after breaks I'm revved to see everyone again. All I keep thinking is I'd rather be home, cuddling Keira. I lost it this morning when I realized that I wouldn't be able to snuggle her back to sleep after our 6 am feeding anymore. I really hope I find a way to make this work or it could be a miserable end of the year...
Friday, November 28, 2008
First Month Doctor's Visit
So Little Keira is not so little anymore! We went for our first month doctor's visit and she weighed in at 11 lbs. 10 oz.! She has also grown 2.25 inches and her head is 15 inches in circumference. The doctor said this is great progress and shows that she is definitely getting enough food, which is a relief as any first time breast-feeding mom can tell you. You're never quite sure how much she's getting. She has good head control for a baby her age, but still can't lift it using her own power. She likes to stand and bounce quite a bit, with mommy's help of course! We are just getting settled into a better day/night pattern as long as there aren't too many disruptions during the day. Unfortunately, we've had plenty of disruptions in the last week. But when she is looking up at you, wide awake and enthralled, you forget that she had you up into the wee hours of the morning and made you sleep in a chair. I can't believe I have to go back to work in a week...)c: Be sure to check out the new slideshows. As promised, I've added new pics from the last month.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sleep... I miss you! I have missed too many nap opportunities this week and I am paying the price. J.R. went back to work this week and his new position has him on his feet all day. He is exhausted when he gets home and then he has school work to try and get done. I am finding it very hard to be patient and not get frustrated when she wakes up to feed and doesn't go back to sleep. I can't wait until she starts sleeping through the night...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
It's Keira's first Halloween and of course we dressed up! Unfortunately, her eyes are closed in all of the pictures, because, as I may have mentioned before, she sleeps ALL DAY! Not going to take her around trick or treating because frankly Mommy doesn't need the extra candy around while she tries to loose this baby weight. I'll try to get the pictures up soon, but I have to do it from J.R.'s computer. Happy Halloween!
End of Week 2
Yikes! I can't believe that it's been two weeks already. I had no idea how steep the learning curve would be. J.R. goes back to work Monday, and I'll be on my own with her during the day. I'm not gonna lie...I'm nervous. I have no idea how I will handle it all. It would be really great if Keira could figure out the difference between day & night. This sleeping all day and crying unconsolably all night is exhausting. I know it's "normal", but it's also mentally and emotionally draining. The good news is her jaundice is completely gone and she is eating up a storm. Yay for a healthy baby! We've also had loads of visitors in the last two weeks. Everybody has wanted to come and see our darling girl. It has been really great to see everyone and pass around the baby for a spell. The copious amounts of food left behind have also been appreciated! For those of you who were wondering if Ill be keeping this up, the answer is yes, but you'll have to be patient with me. It's probably going to be awhile in between posts, and they will probably be shorter since I am typing one handed with a sleeping baby on my chest!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Home at Last!
I have never been so glad to be home as I was last night. For those of you anxiously awaiting news, please understand that I had anticipated being home by 9 am and therefore busily updating this blog by 9:30! That being the case, I sent my computer home with JR Sunday night. Then, as often happens with carefully laid plans, they got postponed indefinitely. JR came home on Sunday night to get the house ready for Keira's arrival, leaving her and me at the hospital waiting for discharge papers in the morning. We had decided to keep Keira in the room with us so that I could keep up with the breast feeding schedule. As many of you know, when Keira was inside, her peak active hours were from about 9 pm to 2 am. That's when the barrel rolls and elbow jabs would begin. Not much has changed. I had her solo from about 8 pm until 4 am, and in that time I came to realize just how thankful I am not to be doing this alone. I was pretty much feeding, burping, and rocking in 2 hour cycles and about 10 minutes after I put her down, she was ready to go again. Did I mention that she was feeding for 45 minute stretches of time? OUCH! I wasn't sure that she was even getting anything because my milk hadn't come in. Talk about frustrating! The few catnaps I did manage to grab did nothing to recharge me and the constant activity was draining. Around 4 my nurse came in to check on me, saw my dilemma, convinced me that she could take the baby to the nursery so I could take a quick nap. God Bless her! I managed to sleep for 3 1/2 hours, before facing a truly atrocious day. They talk about the third day let down, when your happy hormones desert you. The fact that my breakfast tray didn't have the toast I ordered was enough to set my off on a sobbing binge that I really could not control. I called J.R. and asked him to come back to the hospital sooner than he planned because I just wasn't sure I could handle anything more. My nurse was very reassuring though and told me that the same hormones that set off the tears also help your milk come in, so they do have a plus side. Just as I was gearing myself up to go home, they came and said that they had to test her bilirubin levels again. I thought, ok, I'll get checked out when the doctors change shift at 9, she'll get her labs done, home by 12. Well, the doctor who had to check me out was due on rounds until between 1 and 2pm, but had a late appointment and didn't make it in to see me until 4. Not that anyone thought to tell us this. Oh, and her bilirubin test was still high so we needed to stay and have it redrawn at 3 pm. What you may not know, and what we did not know was that the bilirubin levels that they were testing were signs of jaundice, a fact that again no one seemed to find relevant to mention until late in the afternoon. Her 3 o'clock test showed that her bilirubin levels had risen, and then the doctor had to decide what to do. That's all we were told, no talk of options or possibilities. Just the staff doctor is making a decision. Then it was, she had to talk to another doctor before she can make the decision. At this point, I am frantic because I want to go home, my breasts hurt like hell, my baby is sick, and the fact that she is breast feeding may be making her condition worse. Not to mention that I have been sitting alone in this hospital room all day long waiting for someone to tell me what the hell is going on. Have I adequately conveyed how crappy the day was shaping up? Oh, and don't forget that I still have no control over my tear ducts and I am welling up every time I think about what is happening around me. Finally, the doctor from my practice came in and signed my discharge papers (without even examining me). I thought we were in the clear. The decision that the doctor was trying to make was whether or not to keep us there another night & day with Keira under the lamps, or if she could come home with us using a bili-blanket. Luckily, they were able to find someone to deliver and set up a bili-blanket for us out at the house and we were able to go home. We came home to a wonderful meal set up by my parents and got our little girl situated in her new home. She has had to wear the wrap around her middle since she got home, which plugs in to this light box. It helps break down the bilirubin just like sunlight would, but she needs to wear it all the time. So now I feel like I have a Matrix baby. She has this thick cord coming out of her onesie and is connected to this battery pack we have to lug around as we go from room to room. Did I mention she glows in the dark too? It's a little spooky...On the plus side, she is her own nightlight! We took her in to see our new pediatrician this morning and they re-drew her blood for another test. We should know the results tomorrow, but she said that she could already see where the bili-blanket was working. So hopefully we are in the clear as the blanket keeps working over the next few days. She took a cat nap in her bassinet in the puppies' favorite spot, the ray of sun that comes in the back door, just for some added sunlight. I know this post sounds awful whiny and frustrated, but it had to come out. I also want to be clear that we have truly been blessed with a wonderful child. She has put up with all of these tests and her inexperienced, over emotional momma, and is just amazing. She loves to cuddle against our chests and she smells so sweet. Her skull needs to firm up soon, or else she will have a permanent kiss mark pressed into the top of her head. When I am done feeding her, there is nothing better than the feeling of her drifting off to sleep in my arms. It makes all the crappy feelings fade away and seem insignificant compared to the warm, fuzzy, love that just floods your system. That being said, she just woke up and is hungry, surprise, surprise. Gotta go feed my girl! And don't get antsy if I don't post an update in the next few days. I have a feeling the exhaustion is going to catch up with me soon...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
She's Here!
It's official! We are now a family of three. Our little girl decided to join the world on her due date, October 18th at 7:50am. She weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz, and is 22 inches long. She is also still nameless, but we're working on that. Labor went smoothly or so I am told and she got an A on her first test, the APGAR. She has a slight heart murmur, but the pediatrician said it does not sound serious and that they'll take an echocardiogram before we leave, but that it usually resolves itself quickly. J.R. had one, too, when he was little. For those of you who just wanted the quick update, there you go! SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you want the mysteries of labor and delivery to stay a mystery, DO NOT READ ON! Here's the full story of my last few days. On Thursday night, I was sitting eating dinner with my mom and J.R. when I felt a funny twinge. Then another one, about 10 minutes later, and another 10 minutes after that. I started timing the contractions and they were about 10 minutes apart and lasting 30 seconds. They were also down low near my pelvis, which can be a sign that you're in false labor. So I wasn't sure if this was the real deal or not. I took a little nap, and woke up around 11 and started timing them again. They still had not progressed, and had even started to slow down around midnight. I had called my doctor to see what he thought and he told me to wait it out and see what they did. I went to sleep and in the morning, they were still about 10 and 30. I made plans to see my doctor to get checked out at 9:00 and had JR drive me into work. It was supposed to be my last day of work, so there were a few loose ends that I wanted to tie up. I got my room set for my sub and got the last few things taken care of. Then I got surprised by one of my students and her mom. They own a confectionery, and had been planning to bring in treats. Her sister-in-law is the secretary at our school, and called to alert her that I would be leaving shortly, so she hustled over, in pajamas and curlers, kids still in p.j.s, to give me the cookies and candies and flowers. How sweet! Everybody at school was marveling that I had actually made it to my last day, until I told them I was having contractions and probably wasn't going to be staying. I have to say I work with a group of very special people. Everyone was so excited and happy for me, and I was sitting there surrounded by friends sharing encouragement and hugs when my mom showed up to take me to the doctor's office. It was a lovely way to go on leave. Dr. Acharya examined me and said he couldn't be sure one way or the other, false labor or just latent labor that hadn't kicked up yet. So he sent me home to nap and walk and see how things went. Mom and I went home, I napped with the pups for about 2 hours, and then we went to the mall for lunch and some shopping/walking. When I left Dr. Acharya's office I was 70% effaced and only 1.5 cm dilated. By the time we left the last store, my contractions had increased in intensity to the point that I couldn't walk or talk through them and they were about 4 minutes apart. We ran by the house to transfer dogs to my dad and grab my bags, and we were off to the hospital, minus the shower that mom thought I had time for. At this point it is about 5 pm on a Friday and I need to get into the city. Taking my usual route to avoid 290 traffic seemed like a good idea, until I hit transition while driving over the bumpiest part of Washington Blvd. I thought I was going to die when Mom hit the brakes for a stop sign and the seat belt grabbed me mid-contraction. I believe I told her to stop the car with every intention of getting out. But thank God she was the one driving me in. I had a professional coaching me through every contraction and she was amazing! Not only could she tell me when they'd be stopping, she kept reassuring me that this is what the baby needed. I don't think I would have been as calm as I was without her! By the time we got to the hospital around 6, I was 6 cm dilated, 100 % effaced, and contracting every two minutes for about 1 minute each. It was extremely difficult to get the registration paperwork filled out in between contractions! It took forever! They admitted me through the ER and I was put in a triage room on the L&D floor, but they wouldn't let Mom back. So I just kept replaying her coaching in my head as the contractions started coming fast and furious, and these people kept asking repetitive questions about contact lenses and allergies. Finally they had a resident examine me and decide to admit me. I guess it really was labor! In the meantime, J.R. had shown up from work and was waiting out with Mom and Dad. They had an awful time getting my IV started because my good Sipka veins were not cooperating. They poked me three times, before asking Joe the anaesthesiologist to help out. He was great! Then they asked if I wanted to do an epidural. I said, "I think I want to try without it, but what's my window?" Approximately 15 minutes later, when I was having minute and a half long contractions, with about 30 seconds in between, and no coach, I said, "Joe, how about that epidural now..." We got in the room, Joe started the epidural, and I ceased feeling anything from my belly down. I actually had to ask if I was still contracting, because I couldn't feel a thing. Eventually, the spinal wore off and I could feel the contractions, but without any of the pain that was coming with before. Baby girl quickly dilated to 10 centimeters, but wouldn't drop down far enough that I could push. They kept examining me throughout the night, but she hadn't budged. Luckily, with the epidural, I was able to catnap through the contractions, so I got some sleep. About 4 am, I started coaching little girl on how to work with the contractions to move down. By 5 am, she was low enough that they called the doctor on call to come in for the delivery. Once she got there, I was able to begin pushing through my contractions. This was truly the hardest part. Baby girl really didn't want to move down that canal, and I really didn't want to keep pushing her. At several points, I recall asking my dr., "Can't you grab her yet? Can't you just get her out?" I have never pushed that hard in my life. Even now, I am sore and tender through my hips & pelvis just from the repeated pressure in the area. At one point her head was partially out, and she rolled a little and started to head back in, as if to say "Hmmm, I don't think so. It's a bit chilly out there..." The doctor made some comment about, "No, you can't go back that way," and all I could think about was having to start all that pushing over again. Needless to say, I began pushing immediately, contraction or not, because I was not about to lose that progress. At 7:50 with a few last pushes, out she came. No vacuum, no forceps, even though I pleaded..."It's not medically indicated. You're doing fine on your own," was the response I got. "Screw that!" was the response I gave...Anyhow, now she is here and doing just great. I hope I didn't gross anyone out, but I knew a lot of you wanted to hear the whole story. Bizarre,...I just signed my first consent form when I had to list relation to patient as "mother". Wow!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Week 40
So I am officially due on Saturday. We'll have to wait and see if Baby Moore is punctual or not. I had another checkup today. Things are still moving in the right direction. She is head down, I'm still only 1 cm dilated, but I am 60% effaced now, and she has dropped to -3. Picture a scale from -5 to 5. -5 is free floating, 5 is one push from being out in the world. So she has started to move down, but not as far as she will eventually go. My doctor keeps warning me that first babies are traditionally late, and that they won't induce until I'm at least a week late. I wonder if he knows something he's not telling me... On the school front, things are going well. Jane and I co-taught today and I was able to sit and rest some more. I'm just feeling a lot more tired this week. I'm glad it is a short week. 3 more days, just 3 more days...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Oh, I'll never do that...
When I first started teaching, my mentor video taped me and I was shocked at how manically I was moving about the room. Picture the Tasmanian Devil with a sheaf of papers and a pencil in his hair. Over time I have gotten better, but I still spend a large portion of my day on my feet. I'm up monitoring work, answering questions, prompting deeper thought. I had seen some subs sitting in chairs and teaching from their seats. I thought to myself, "How do they do that? I'll never be like that!" I imagine this is just the first of many occasions when I will have to eat those words (especially given the new job heading my way!). I am to the point that I cannot fit between the rows of chairs without bumping kids in the back of the head with my belly. By the end of the day, my ankles are also swollen to the size of small cantaloupes. Given that, I am spending a lot of my day in the rolling desk chair at the table in the back or propped up on my stool at the front of the room. It has really changed the way I am able to teach. I don't like it! I hope I don't get too complacent with this new mode when I get back from leave.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Week 39
Hello all,
I am just back from my 39 week visit with my OB/GYN. Everything looks good. I'm 30-40% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Apparently that is just where I'm supposed to be, although my doctor keeps reminding me that firstborns can be several days to a week late. So other than the fact that I'm swollen and tired, everything is going great! I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mrs. Moore Got Beat Up Today
I don't know if it was the clumsiness inherent in pregnancy or just a really bizarrely painful day, but I got beat up at work today. My feet got stepped on three separate times, which is not all that unusual for a teacher. However, when you've got a huge belly as a buffer, it takes some skill to get close enough to even reach my toes! One of the lead-footed children was a kindergartner who actually ducked under the belly to plant firmly on my poor big toe! I also got kicked in the shin (on accident), hit on the head with a four foot tall white board (on accident), almost got hit on the head with a full-size United States topographical/political map (managed to catch it mid-air), and bumped my belly multiple times on various countertops, desk corners, and the backs of children's heads. This doesn't even count the number of times my hip pops out (every time I sit down) and has to be worked back into place (every time I stand up). This morning, I was sitting on the rug for about a half an hour and ended up with a completely dead right leg. When I got up (eventually) my face was bright red and I was limping to try to get circulation back. The poor special ed teacher who was helping out in my room thought I was having contractions! Here's hoping I make it through tomorrow in one piece!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Gentle Birth
So when I described my birthing class to my chiropractor, he suggested I get some videos so that I would have an idea of some other methods of birth and have seen more than one happen. He lent us "The Gentle Birth" DVD. Aside from the anti-hospital ranting it was actually a great way to see some alternatives to the typical hospital birth experience. It also helped me feel more secure in our choice to deliver at Rush. Many of the things that they were saying birthing centers do better are things that our nurse said they encourage at Rush, for example: moving and walking while you can, squatting and using a bar or ball to allow gravity to help, allowing family in the birthing room, trying to avoid interventions as much as possible. As much as I am going to try for a natural birth, I am still glad I'm delivering in a hospital (just in case)!
Week 37 Visit
Just to confirm the vagaries of pregnancy, there is simply no logic. I had my weekly appointment today and I gained 1/2 pound, and her measurement is a little smaller than expected. Completely random! Everything is still good. No downward movement. The over is looking better and better...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Final Countdown...
Wasn't that the chorus of a crazy 80's song? Well, we have reached that milestone: 36+ weeks. I could deliver and have the baby be fine at any point from here on out. I am actually exactly 3 weeks from my due date. I had my 36 week appointment on Wednesday, which is where they do all of the delivery prep work. I got blood drawn to check my iron (I HATE NEEDLES!), was swabbed to check for strep bacteria (did I mention I work at a school?), had an exam (she is still high and I'm completely closed), and then the usual litany of checkup measurements, blood pressure, belly tape measurement, fetal heartbeat, and the dreaded scale. I have to say that I was mortified but I actually broke down in tears in my doctor's office as he was yelling at me (again) about gaining too much weight. When he first made the comment at 6 months, I said ok and attempted to change my eating habits. But to hear it again and again without any concrete advice on what to do is totally demoralizing. You simply don't tell a woman who is 3 weeks from delivery that she is overweight, and start throwing around words like toxemia. What the hell, I ask you, am I supposed to do about it now? Instead of just telling me, you're too heavy, you gained too much weight again and again, hand me a sheet that says here's what you should eat, or here's how many calories you should aim for. Everything else I'm reading says don't diet while you're pregnant and make sure she gets x amount of protein and x servings of fruit & veg, and x amount of calcium or you'll get osteoporosis! I don't feel like I'm going out and gorging myself. I'm trying to eat healthy and get all of those things they say she needs. I even talked myself out of a trip to Dairy Queen yesterday! Not an easy feat ladies & gents, considering it is literally next door to my nail salon where I was getting a foot rub, I mean perdicure...Not to mention the fact that I am now back at school and much more mobile again. Arrrrrgh! It is very disheartening to hear that what you've tried to do has not worked, but not to get any advice beyond that. So I have adopted the attitude of Opus, the round-bottomed little penguin who used to be a staple in the Sunday morning my doctor I say Thhhhhhhbbbbbt! (read as a loud tongue-out raspberry). Everything else is good, my blood pressure is normal, her fetal heart rate is good, I'm the right size in terms of centimeters. There is no indication so far (knock on wood) that she is going to show up early or have a problem. So all-in-all a good check-up and baby is fine!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
From the mouths of babes...
We spent a half an hour meeting with our LEAP buddies today. (For those of you who aren't in on the lingo, we pair up classes with a younger grade and each kid gets a new buddy for the year. We meet to do projects together and the kids love it.) We are paired up with a kindergarten this year, and we met them for the first time today. Needless to say, from the title of this post, you may have guessed that the 5 year old little darlings had some things to say about my current condition. My two favorites:
"What is in there?" (said while poking my belly)
"A baby. She's not quite ready to come out yet."
"Really?" (quizzical look as if she still didn't believe me, accompanied by another poke)
"Are you having a baby?"
"Yes, I am."
"I think she's too big. I don't think she's gonna fit out your legs."
"She won't come out your legs. She's gonna have to come out your tummy."
"Ohhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmm, well, I guess we'll see...."
I mean really, what do you say to that?
A Woman's Intuition
I am exactly one month out from my due date, and something funny has happened. Suddenly people think I have developed ESP or am hoarding information from my doctor. 3 times today I was asked, "When do you think you'll go?" or "Will she be early?", as if I could possibly have a logical or correct answer. Then again, who knows maybe that women's intuition thing will kick in and I'll be able to exactly predict my delivery date. Who wants in on the over/under?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Safety First
We started baby proofing today. Actually J.R. did most of it. Okay all of it. He replaced all of the old smoke detectors in the house, added a few more, and installed new carbon monoxide detectors. He also replaced our fire extinguishers and sprayed the carpet in the baby's room with a fire retardant. I sat on the couch grading, giving my opinion when solicited, and marveling over the fact that I could actually feel our little girl's entire foot as she tried to do a headstand through my ribs. All in all not a bad Sunday.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Week 34 and 4 days
Had another check up today. Everything's good. The baby should be about 4.5 pounds now. I'm the right size, my weight is good, blood pressure is fine. I met doctor number 3 of 4 and she seemed quite nice. I did cause a mild panic when I was seen leaving the building at 2:30 to go to my appointment. "Is it time?" "Where are you going?" "It's not now is it?" It was actually kind of funny! The doctor told me that I can look forward to the baby basically gaining about a pound a week from here on out and being pretty tired while she does it. On a different note, the woman who is going to be my maternity sub is working on her Master's in Teaching at Concordia, and she needs to rack up a bunch of observation hours. Guess where she'll be! She already spent the afternoon in with my class and it was great! She's got most of the names down and will be back again next week. This transition is going to be fantastic.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I have cankles! Aaaaaaaaaaack! I hope they go away! I've been wearing flip flops all week because they are cool and my feet fit in them still. But my legs were sore so I wore a pair of gym shoes to school the other day and my ankles swelled up to the size of small cantaloupes. You can't tell where my calves end and my ankles begin. Stretch marks, cottage cheese legs, and now CANKLES! What's next? No, wait, I'm not sure I want to know.....
First week back
So, I have successfully navigated my first week back at school. I am exhausted. I think I had forgotten how much work goes into getting a classroom up and running. I'm glad I started working on it a week earlier this year, but even with the head start I had to haul J.R. in with me the Sunday before school started to move and rearrange all the heavy stuff and things I can no longer reach. It has been in the mid to upper 80's all week, and my school does not have air conditioning so my classroom has been in the mid to upper 80's as well. It is never a good thing when you can smell yourself by 10 a.m. I sweat through my clothes before lunch, and I have been keeping a tub of water under my desk so that I can soak my feet when the kids are at their specials. It looks like more of the same for next week so wish me luck keeping hydrated. In terms of the actual start of the school year, so far everything has gone fine. I got a great group of kids and I'm on pace with my plans. Who could ask for anything more? Unless we're talking personal a/c units. Then, I'm asking!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sweet Freedom
I am an idiot for not going to the pool sooner and more often. I bought a pass and have only gone three times, all within the last month. Now I am regretting that I did not make it there more often this summer. It is fantastic on so many levels! 1.) When I get my poor swollen feet into the shallow wading area, they literally sigh with relief. 2.) Submerging my overheated body in the slightly too cool pool water helped erase the fatigue from a day spent in my balmy classroom. 3.) Slowly swimming laps has given me a way to exercise, get my heart rate up, and stretch all of my muscles, which have gotten tight from trying to put my classroom together. 4.) When I'm in the water I can't feel the extra 35 pounds I'm carrying around when I'm land bound. The deadman's float is positively liberating. Slowly back stroking from one side of the pool to the other was so nice because I was completely unencumbered. I almost feel not pregnant in the water, until I look down and see my belly-island poking out of the water. I have never really been a water person, but I have to say I am now a fan!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Helper Dogs
I knew my pups were too cute for a reason! Today, we took Gizmo & Wicket to one of the nursing homes where my mom works. She and I took them around to meet a bunch of the residents. So many happy eyes and smiles greeted us once they realized that there really were dogs in our arms. I heard many loving stories about the cats & basset hounds & german shepherds of years past. As many of you know, our dogs are champion lap snugglers and several patients who are wheelchair or bed bound were able to hold them in their laps for a cuddle. So sweet! Through it all our pups were happy to meet each new person and patiently let the residents pet them for as long as they wanted. With many promises to return soon, we left after about an hour. My mom pulled me aside and told me that one of the men who had held Gizmo was severely depressed and had smiled for the first time since she had met him. For those of you with well-behaved people-loving pups, I encourage you to contact your local nursing home and see if they allow puppy visitors. It is great to know you've made someone smile. P.S.-All that cuddling really wiped out the pups. They are currently napping...again.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My Darling Pups
I realized that I haven't given a puppy update in awhile. When I was gone in New York, J.R. took the pups on a field trip to the local park. Are these not some adorable pups?

This is what they do most days on our couch...

My personal favorite & new wallpaper...


And yes they really did go down the slide with Daddy. They loved it!
Birthing Stories
I may be opening up a whole can of worms here that I really shouldn't, but I'm going to anyway. So far this blog has been one big story about me and my baby. I'd like to open it up here for any stories or wisdom of your own that you'd like to share with me. pjtogs left a great post for me, and I realized that I have a great resource out there that I haven't tapped yet. Funny, scary, reassuring, insane: tell me how you brought your wonderful bundles into the world (or how you were brought (c:). I'll be listening...
Baby Class Day 2
I think both J.R. and I learned more yesterday than today, because today focused on what they do and what you should do once the baby is here. J.R. remembers when Tiffany was little and how he helped out. I haven't really had experience with babies, but I'm much more comfortable with the idea of handling them once they're out. I think the part I was most nervous about was how to get them out and what to expect at the hospital. We got to practice holding, swaddling, diapering, breast feeding positions, etc. And then we watched an inspirational movie by Oprah on how to care for your infant. Her first line was, "I don't have children, but I've talked to enough experts to know you can't go wrong when you start with love..." J.R.'s response, "Oprah's so smart!", got a lot of laughs. At the end of the day, we walked through the labor and delivery rooms. To quote Ramona (who was the nurse in charge of our class), "They may not have the flat screen tvs or look all fancy like some other hospitals, but they have everything we need and I can guarantee that you will get excellent nursing care here." In the end, that's what really matters. All in all, I think we are feeling much better prepared to handle this, and I just keep repeating to myself Ramona's big line, "Just relax and be ready to go with the flow. We'll get you there."
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Baby Class Day 1
So, we just got back from an exhausting day of baby/birthing classes at Rush, where I'll deliver. They do their classes over a weekend, 8:30-4:30 on Saturday and 9:00-1:00 on Sunday. Let me tell you it is brutal. They hold it in a classroom in the Rush Medical School building, and those chairs were not made for pregnant women to sit in for hours on end. There was a lot of good information presented, but I have to admit I'm on overload. The birthing video was not that bad, at least not for us. There were a few fathers who were a little queasy, and one guy mentioned bringing his hockey helmet, so he doesn't crack his head open if he faints. The videos of cesareans and epidurals are what pushed me over the edge. I really don't like needles! After a full day of hee hee whooos and questions about hospital procedures, I am feeling pretty reassured (if a little short of breath) about where I'm delivering and what I need to do once it starts. A lot of their basic philosophical ideas about childbirth are in line with what I was hoping for. Tomorrow, we get to see the Labor & Delivery Unit and go over basic baby care.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Maternity Leave
So I went in to school yesterday to get unpacked and to do a little work on my maternity plans. I have been procrastinating getting started on these, because they are more than a little daunting. How do you tell someone what you'd like them to do with your kids in 7 weeks before you've even gotten to meet those kids & find out what they can do? I suppose I could wait until it gets closer to when I am going to leave, and I will be making updates to it as I go. But, what if I have to leave sooner than I thought? I want to be ready. Also, I know I'm going to be pretty tired once school does start up again, so I don't want this to fall to the side. The good news is I got a good start on it yesterday, and I'm feeling like it's a bit more manageable, but there is still a lot that I have to sort out before I can really be clear with it. The other good news is that my sub will be Jane McCole, who is phenomenal! I was so excited when I found out that she had agreed to do this. I'll admit it does take a little of the pressure off to write these immaculate plans. I can give her some benchmarks and let her take it from there. Just trying to relax about this a bit, which is hard given that I am very uptight about school stuff...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Erin's Baby Shower
Our good friends Erin & Ryan Hlinak are also pregnant and due a few weeks before we are. Christie Cuthbert and I went up to Fox Lake/Lindenhurst for her baby shower. A fun time was had by all, although I think we could have done without the poopy diaper game (melted chocolate bars in diapers were passed & whoever got the Snickers was the winner...) The best part was that there were 3 pregnant girls there and 2 who had just given birth in the last 4 months. It was so great to be able to talk to people who were going through the same kind of questions & decisions. I picked up a lot of good "you need this..." and "you really don't need that..." comments from the two recent mothers and immediately rushed home to update my registries. I must say that it is a very good thing that Erin & Ryan are having a girl as well, because Erin's love of pink is well known. I think my Packers buggy blanket was the only non-pink item they received! Poor Ryan, but he's used to it now. It was also their wedding color. I can't wait to see all of these wrestlers at big meets or tournaments with little pink girls crawling around!
Friday, August 1, 2008
7 Month Check up
Everything still looks good. I am right at 28 inches for 28 weeks, although I did gain 6 pounds in two weeks...Read the posts below and I think you will understand why. My doctor was able to feel where her head, spine, and feet were. This explained why I felt like I was getting kicked in the lungs all day. I was! During the last two weeks I have been convinced that she was going through a growth spurt I was basically awake long enough to eat in between naps. My proof that I was right is that I am now awake much more frequently, and she feels bigger. Her kicks & rolls are much more forceful. J.R. can finally feel her moving (very exciting for him), and I can see my belly rippling from her feet and elbows. I also had to do a blood glucose test this visit. For those of you who don't know what this entails, basically I had to chug a straight glucose drink which tasted like cough syrup minus the alcohol and get my blood drawn an hour later. I hate needles, (I am having trouble reading the section on epidurals in my pregnancy book because it's basically describing a needle going in your spine!) and I warn all of my nurses and LPNs that I need them to keep talking to me and keep me distracted while they draw my blood. The woman who did it this time was fantastic! I barely felt it at all. So in a few weeks I'll know if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes. That's my update from this visit! I go back for more in two weeks.
Peachy Heaven
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Baby Meets the Big Apple! Part 2
So once I met up with my family at the hotel, we walked up the street to a local Brazilian corner restaurant nearby, in Queens. Needless to say, we stood out a bit. But after the sideways glances calmed down, everyone was very friendly and the food was great! I had these shrimp in coconut milk & curry. To die for! And fried bananas, rice & beans, dulce de leche...I think I have figured out where my weight gain this month came from...
My mom, aunts & uncle went into Manhattan, I went to bed. Sunday we drove over to City Island, to the American Turners Club for my Great-aunt Martha's 90th birthday party. (Side note: minivan back seats were not meant for pregnant women. The horizontal slide just doesn't work well.) It was great to catch up with sides of my family that I don't normally see. A few got a bit of a shock when my belly entered the room ahead of me, since they hadn't heard the news yet. My cousin Cliff brought the cake from his favorite bakery. Quote:"I'm probably the only man in America who is not sure if he'll get married, but who already knows where his wedding cake will come from!" They took white cake & strawberry mousse layers and covered them with Marzipan instead of ganache or fondant. So tasty! But the best part is that the top of the cake was decorated like a Scrabble board. For those of you readers who are not family, you may not understand the significance that Scrabble holds for my family. We had suggested a game back at Aunt Martha's. The teams would be Martha, Babka, and everyone else working together to take one or both of them down! To the best of my knowledge, it has never happened... We gave Aunt Martha some fun presents: 90 kisses (of the Hershey persuasion), a book on the history of the Bronx in its heyday, and black pajamas & undies (who doesn't deserve these!?!?) After lunch we all went back to Martha's apartment (all 18 of us) and I took a little nap to help make it through the evening. One of Aunt Martha's friends from the neighborhood (also Slovak) showed up with pans of pierogie & pastries. Yum! (Perhaps I should have my doctor read this so he understands how I could gain 6 pounds in 2 weeks...)
On Monday, my family headed to the airport, while I took a cab ($35!) to Penn Station, so I could get on a train to Princeton to meet up with my friend Jen. A word to the wise, negotiating Penn Station for the first time when you're tired, stressed, & pregnant is NOT a good plan. I figured out that I had to be in the New Jersey train section, as opposed to the subway, LIRR, or New York train sections (even though they all have the same track numbers!),
and I had managed to purchase my ticket from the automated machine without a problem. I settled on a bench with all my baggage to wait for them to post the track for my 11:01 to Trenton. 10:51: I start looking at the board waiting for the little blank at the end to fill in. 10:55: I start to wonder why they haven't posted it yet. 10:59: I join the group of anxious looking people at the end of the vestibule trying to find someone who is wearing a uniform. 11:05 Finally get an answer. The train is on track 10. 11:07 Get down to the bottom of the staircase only to discover that the train is gone. It left without picking anyone up. And still no one could tell me what to do next. They just said, "It's gone. Wait for the next one." The problem is that none of those trains are intuitive! I knew that there was another one in an HOUR, but I had no desire to sit there for another hour and risk them not announcing that one either! I should probably mention, in the interest of full disclosure, that this is where I had my pregnant moment of bursting into sobbing tears in the middle of a crowd of people. One of them actually said, "I'm sorry," before they all scattered away from the crazy lady. I pulled myself together and they actually changed a local train so that it would go far enough to get where I needed to go. (Although I only found this out because the nice lady next to me was a local in the same predicament.) By 11:30 I was sitting on a train on my way out of New York, somewhat under control, enjoying the air conditioning.
Jen picked me up and we spent a lovely afternoon wandering, shopping, and eating our way through the Princeton Campus. They have a great fountain where a pregnant lady can cool off her feet! Whoever thought of that should get a medal. There is also a fantastic organic ice cream place, although I avoided the tartes & bombes and just had some sorbet. (See, I am capable of some self control!) Then we went home and her mom made me spaghetti & salad and we vegged in her living room and watched Penelope & Fool's Gold. After my stressful morning, it was the perfect end to the day. (I have to say I was a bit cranky...) Jen, her mom, & I went to a cute boutique with baby stuff, where we picked out baby presents (cute dresses will be my downfall!) and then Jen put me on a plane home. That part went smoothly and I was home by 5:30. That is the end of my tale. I hope Baby enjoyed meeting her Aunties & extended family for the first time. They all certainly enjoyed rubbing her belly!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Baby Meets the Big Apple! Part 1
Baby & I just got back from our big East Coast trip for my Aunt Martha's 90th birthday party. We flew into Newark airport last Thursday, where Auntie Jade picked us up and whisked us away to her family's farm in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. They have peach & apple orchards, as well as random veggies for the family. There is nothing better than eating the first batch of peaches fresh from the trees! I think Baby may have gotten spoiled and will need that taste of peaches every summer (wink, wink, Jade!) I even got to bring some home for J.R. We also had fantastic shrimp & scallop skewers & strip steaks thanks to her Dad's expertise on the grill. Yum!
We spent Friday down at the Jersey Shore, Point Pleasant to be exact. Thanks to J.D.'s sister Christie, I had a maternity suit to borrow, so we laid out with our books (and SPF 50) next to the Atlantic Ocean. After awhile, I got a little overheated, so we moseyed down to the water to cool off. Now, before I go any farther with this story, let me make something clear to my fellow Midwesterners: The ocean & Lake Michigan are NOTHING ALIKE! I can handle Lake Michigan. I could not handle the waves of the Atlantic. Poor J.D. tried to convince me that splashing in the shallows was really the best plan, but no, I figured I was this close to the Atlantic, I was going in! Again, poor J.D. (who was already a bit nervous about being the sole protector of the pregnant lady) tried to tell me how to accomplish this feat. I, however, could not quite manage to follow them. I got in past the first set of waves, but apparently I didn't get out quite far enough. The second wave crested over my head, since I was already deep enough that I couldn't push off the bottom to get up over it. I decided to head back in, which was the exact wrong decision because I wasn't moving very fast thanks to my weight & balance issues and the next wave was coming up quick. It was a doozy! Not that I could see it since I was focused on the shore, but a very nice man had a panicked look on his face as he grabbed my arm to haul me out more quickly. Luckily, he was an ex-lifeguard having a fun day at the beach with his kids and recognized that I was about to get tumbled. As a warning to other potential preggers, do not try swimming in the ocean for the first time when you're nearly 7 months along!
So, all was well, and once J.D. got back to shore and her panicky breathing returned to normal, we decided it was time to head to the Boardwalk. Jade beat me twice with the water gun races, winning us both these adorable pigs. I popped four balloons with three darts and won a penguin for us both and a stuffed rubber ducky! Most of the toys in my classroom have come from trips to the Jersey Shore, and my new additions should feel right at home. To cool off we drove back north a ways to a movie theater to wallow in the A/C and the music of ABBA. Mamma Mia was quite entertaining, but note to casting directors: When casting for a musical, make sure your leads can sing! We had mixed opinions about Meryl Streep's performance, but Pierce Brosnan, for all his masculine appeal, CAN NOT SING! Still, all in all, a fun flick to finish the afternoon. Dinner at On The Border capped off a perfect day!
Saturday, JD masterfully negotiated Manhattan traffic to meet up with our friend Kate for brunch at a funky little diner called VYNL. Any restaurant that gives me The Who's Tommy album as a cover for my menu and a huge breakfast for under $10 is tops with me! After a quick stop at Kate's cute apartment, we headed for Central Park. After a bit of a walk around, we settled in for a nap in the sun! It was great! Then Jade took me to meet up with my family in Long Island City at the Hotel Verve (a Clarion). At that point, I was definitely ready for a nap.
Crazy Busy
Sorry it's been awhile since I posted, but it's been a busy few weeks. First, I finished all the sewing for my redecorating project for my friend Robin's cottage in Michigan. Everything is hung and arranged (with huge thanks to Merce for her extra hands and functioning power tools!) Then, we hung out with good friends (Cynthia, Kendra, Laura, & her friend from home) at Millennium Park for the free music Wednesdays and listened to some classical music by Beethoven. Actually, we talked and the music was a nice background. Everyone showed up with tasty treats and drinks, and we had a lovely picnic dinner. Then we met up with Sharon & Vanessa later for tasty treats at Cold Stone. (Don't tell my doc!) Fun, fun, fun! The next weekend we spent up at the Cuthbert's Lakehouse in Michigan with our good friends Mark, Christie, Jeff, Tristan, Brian, & Amanda. It was a bit rainy, but when else would you play a full game of Monopoly. I'm still a bit peeved that the Scrabble game was started without me (intentionally!) (c: After we got back, I had lunch with Christie & her mom, which was very nice & relaxing after the whirlwind weeks before. Needless to say, the fact that Baby picked this period of time to have a growth spurt, made Mommy more tired & cranky (& hungry) than usual, but it was still a lot of fun!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Ohhhhh No, no, nooooooo, sniff
The stretch marks have arrived....Yuck!
Here's hoping they fade eventually....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Will Power Wins
So I just got back from my two week warning visit with my OB/GYN. As you know after the crazy weight gain of the last month, he's got me on a short leash. But here's the good news. I started eating more frequently and walking more than I nap. I only broke down on my no ice cream vow twice, both times when out at a friend's for dinner, and even then it was moderate consumption. (Christie, you are my weakness!) And drum roll please....I gained 1/2 a pound! He was most pleased. He also confirmed that everything was good at the second ultrasound. Strangely he did not seem surprised when I mentioned the odd behavior of the tech & doctor over there...hmmmm. He also said that this baby is growing by leaps and bounds (both of which I can testify to feeling). She's in the 68%ile for size. My belly has grown 4 inches in the last 2 weeks. So all is well....I'm going to go have a skinny cow cone!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mini Shopping Spree
Today I had a little fun at Motherhood Maternity. I hit their sale & clearance racks to supplement my school/fall appropriate wardrobe. I bulked up on basic layers since my pre-pregnancy tanks & tees have been officially stretched to the limit. (The good folks at Dominick's got quite an eyeful as I kept tugging my shirts down and my pants up!) I also got a couple of cute work tops & professional pants. I even found an open house outfit! And thanks to a lovely pre-shower gift (thanks Aunt Laura!) I hardly dented my Mastercard. It was fun to feel cute & covered this morning!
Changing Abilities
I may have to stop blogging with my computer on my lap on the couch (my preferred option). Every time I lean forward to pet the pups, my belly hits my mouse button and moves the cursor all over the place! I also have stains over the belly area of most of my maternity shirts. It just seems to catch every little crumb. And I have had to temporarily turn the majority of grilling duties over to J.R. My tummy gets just a little too warm if I have to stand too close to monitor burgers or dogs.
Ultrasound # 3
Sorry for the dearth in posting lately. There haven't been any new or shocking developments, other than the fact that I have successfully avoided stopping at a Dairy Queen for nearly 9 days. But today I went in for yet another ultrasound, this time at Rush. I think I mentioned before that Baby Girl was so active during the last one that they didn't catch pictures of everything they wanted. Today, she was the complete opposite! Bashful Baby decided to hide her face with her hands the whole time, although I did get to see some her face in motion. So cute! She also kept her tummy rolled facing back towards my spine, so the tech couldn't see her umbilical cord. They left me laying on the table, all gooey, for about 15 minutes, waiting for the doctor to come in. Luckily, laying on my back seems to irritate her, because she started flipping around, so when the doctor finally came in and started doing the ultrasound again she was ready to go. I have to say, I am glad this guy is not by regular OB/GYN. He didn't talk to me at all while he was looking around in there, and when he was done he tossed a folded paper drape in my belly, told me to clean up, I was done, and walked out. Very weird. He did say that everything looked good, once he was finally able to see what he needed to. I did learn three new things about the hospital where I'll be delivering. 1: The whole area is under construction because they are building a new hospital wing. So if I were going to deliver in 2012, it'd be great! 2: The place is a freaking labyrinth! I kept expecting some troll or David Bowie to pop out from behind a corner and switch the signs around just mess with my head! To get from the parking garage to the professional building was no fewer than 6 blind turns. I had a street address, but that isn't posted on any of the interior signs, now is it... Then I decided I'd go find the Labor & Delivery back in the main hospital, glutton for punishment that I am. A long hallway, two rights and a left, and then follow the signs for Elevator E which take you at least a half a mile from point A down a creepy corridor with blind corners and dead ends. Then I had to navigate back from there to the parking garage. Luckily there was a nice and knowledgeable lady on the elevator to point me in the right direction. 3: There is a perk to wandering for so long, the Atrium. Tasty temptations at Au Bon Pain. Needless to say I splurged on an iced tea/ lemonade & oatmeal cookie after my walking workout before heading back home. Yum! (I'll try to post some pics once I get them scanned in...)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Hobbit Habits
There are definitely times that I feel like a hobbit...
See the quote below from Fellowship of the Rings:
Aragorn: Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall.
Pippin: What about breakfast?
Aragorn: You've already had it.
Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?
Merry: I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.
Pippin: What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them doesn't he?
Merry: I wouldn't count on it.
There's something to be said for grazing your way through the day!
Officially a craving
The other day, I had what I would term my first official craving. It started about 5pm, and I ignored it, thinking, "No, don't eat that. Eat the food you have in the fridge already made for dinner." I woke up and it was still there. Ate breakfast, tried to suppress it, munched at lunch, but just wasn't satisfied. So at 3 o'clock the next day, I find myself pulling in to the local IHOP because the need for sausage and pancakes had become overwhelming. I need to put in a plug for the 3 o'clock time slot. The restaurant was nearly empty! I even beat most of the early-bird specialers! A business meeting was walking out, (yup), and one older couple followed me in. I walked in, ordered, was served, ate 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, 2 sausages, and hash browns, paid, and walked out in a little over half an hour. It was heavenly...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
6 month check-up
So I had my 6 month check-up today. All is well with our little girl. Her heartbeat is strong and fast, I'm 24 inches from belly button on down, and she's quite active. I have to go in for another ultrasound actually, because she was so active that they didn't see everything they needed to on the first try. Now for the bad news. From month 1-5 I gained 10 pounds, right on track, no more, no less. Then school got out... Apparently sitting on the couch, watching t.v., eating ice cream and Potbelly's sandwiches can actually lead to gaining a potbelly! Who knew? Now that I am not walking around all day, wrangling third graders, having small sensible snacks every few hours, I'm not burning as many calories. Let me tell you, stepping on that scale was a rude awakening! I don't care how many people say, "It's okay! You're eating for two!" It's not okay to gain TWELVE POUNDS in one month! That's more than a whole baby gained in four weeks! My doctor doesn't think it's so great either, since I've been told to come back in two weeks so he can check up on me. A pound tops by then! So if anyone feels like going on a nice long walk, followed by a large greens salad with lean chicken chunks, give me a call! Also, if anyone wants to claim two nearly new quarts of double churn low-fat chocolate cookies & cream or mocha silk swirl, they're in my freezer and yours for the taking! Please get them away from me! I think I've proven I can't be trusted...
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Boys
Just a quick aside about the show My Boys...How can you not love a show set in Chicago whose running gag line in the last episode was, "And he's not even drunk..."? It's like a slice of our lives on the small screen.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
More sniffles
I am self-banning from all Hallmark stores, too...The music cards, for the love of God, the music cards!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Another No-No...
I got a little choked up during the national anthem at the Cubs game last night. Apparently blatant patriotism is enough to set off the water works as well! (Don't tell my Dad that I got teary-eyed at a Cubs game!)
Monday, June 23, 2008
A Little Madness...
So I did a little searching online for cute baby gear...Two hours later I had tears in my eyes from laughing. There is such an array of stuff to tempt my credit card! I could've spent $200 on onesies alone. The rock tees are adorable, but the movie quotes are even better. My personal favorite: "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!" although Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Giggles ran a close second. I put some links on the side of my blog, for those of you interested in browsing for yourself...just hide your wallet before you start!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Lucky Baby
I've been getting loads of update emails lately in response to the blog, and it struck me yesterday just how lucky my little girl is going to be. She has so many wonderful people who love her already. And there are some truly amazing people in that group. She will never grow up isolated or ignorant of the world around her. Solar energy efficiency research, financing women's industry in the Middle East, water conservation in Ethiopia, LED/Pedal energy technology in Nepal, education reform here in Chicago, living or traveling through Belize, Costa Rica, Venice, India, New Zealand, Germany, Israel, and more are just a few of the cool things the "aunties" and "uncles" are up to. Oh, the bedtime stories they could tell! I wonder what her place will be in our global society...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Balancing Act
With everything stretching and shifting, I find myself needing to take time to make sure I am paying attention to the changing needs of my body and keeping everything balanced. I have found two things that have been invaluable, baby yoga and my chiropractor. My mom bought me a prenatal yoga video. I have been trying to do it twice a week, and now that school is out, I am going to aim for more than that. I come home and my sides and tummy are sore or stretched. My feet and calves are tired. My hamstrings are tight, and my shoulders/upper back are tense. I do baby yoga for 40 minutes and I am a new woman. Everything is loose and back where it is supposed to be. I am relaxed and happy (and usually ready for a nap...) I never felt much benefit from doing yoga when I wasn't pregnant because it is hard for me to relax in most of the poses. With these modified poses, I can finally do a downward facing dog and still breathe! It's great! The other thing that is keeping me in balance are my visits to my chiropractor. Dr. Sean Manning runs Well Adjusted World in Oak Park. I started seeing him almost 2 years ago based on the recommendation of a good friend for some back pain, and he has done wonders for my migraines, sinus infections, and acid reflux. The added bonus is that his specialties are pregnant women and pediatric chiropractic! He checks my hips and tail bone, to make sure I'm not twisting anything out of whack. He also helps release tension and balance the ligaments that hold the baby stable inside. I love going to see him, because he is very gentle. It's not a competition to see how many times he can make your back crack (unlike some other chiropractors I've seen). Often times, he just applies light consistent pressure and I feel everything release. If anyone needs a good chiropractor, check out his website: !
First Father's Day
Today J.R. & I went out for breakfast at Yolk, with my parents, my brother & his wife, & my grandmother. We had a good time, even though it was a bit loud and hard to have conversations. The food was great, as always. Both J.R. and my dad enjoyed their presents of books to share with the baby. After breakfast, J.R. and I went to the Sox game. All in all, not a bad first Father's Day.
Hormonal Mess!
I know everyone says that when you're pregnant your hormones get wacky, and you sort of lose control over your emotional responses. In fact, one book called it "progesterone poisoning". I hadn't really noticed a whole lot of difference until lately. I thought I'd include a few of those changes for your amusement.
Change #1: Lack of Patience
As a third grade teacher, I have to have a lot of this in ready supply. The last two weeks of school were mighty challenging. I was fine with the kids, but I didn't have anything left over for dealing with the adults in my life. Normally, I can let things slide, and I don't let people get under my skin. I have become the witch of the third grade team. Heaven help you if you piss me off or are even mildly annoying, because I really can't let things go. And I can see the train wreck in front of me, but I can't seem to do anything about it. I think I may have frightened a few co-workers with my angry venting rants and the steam pouring out of my ears. Boy, I hope this passes soon!
Change #2: Water Works
I have lost control of my tear ducts. I am composing a list of things that I am no longer allowed to do while pregnant.
1. Go shopping for Father/daughter picture books at Borders. I bought a bunch for J.R. and my dad, and I nearly started bawling in the middle of Billy Crystal's "I Already Know I Love You". The title says it all, sniff...
2. Watch movies involving relationships. Yes, I know this is a big category, but if you had see me two weeks ago you would not question the broad scope of the restriction. I went to go see Sex and the City with some friends. I loved the series, and was anxious to catch up with my favorite characters. I expected to tear up a little bit at special moments. I did not expect to start crying 45 minutes into the 2 hour 15 minute movie, and find myself unable to stop. I went through 6 napkins and a wad of toilet paper, and I still had to leave before the end of the film to get more napkins because I was literally dripping from every pore on my face.
3. Follow the political election coverage. On the way home from the Sex and the City flood, I was listening to Barack Obama's speech after the final primary results were in. He thanked his wife and daughters, and then his grandmother for making him the man he is today. After a few hard swallows and some fierce blinking, I managed to keep the gates closed so I could see the road, but it was a close call.
4. Listen to any country music. I have flipped through the dial several times in the last few weeks and occasionally settle on the country station. I swear, each and every time there has been a song about weddings, or little boys watching their daddies to learn what to do, or padonkadonks, and I get teary eyed over each one! (Okay, maybe not the last one...) I have to change to channel quickly or risk breaking down in my car and scaring my fellow drivers.
5. Read romance novels. This is a tough one for me. As many of you know, this particular genre is a favorite of mine for stress relief. I love a fun story with a happy ending to help me forget/ignore whatever is stressing me, if only for a little while. But the situation has become dire. I am in the process of bankrupting my poor husband who is only trying to keep me in Kleenex! He comes home and finds me red and puffy, and immediately goes into panic mode thinking that something must be wrong. When I start blubbering about dukes and earls, he retreats to the Wii in the basement...
6. Watch my favorite shows on t.v. As you know, the summer season of shows is gradually gearing up and I am discovering that I can no longer watch some of my favorites. The most recent casualty is Army Wives. I recorded the season premier, so I could watch it later. I made the mistake of watching it at 8:00 am. A soaking wet 45 minutes later, I stumbled into the bathroom to try and douse my face with enough cold water so that I could open my eyes again. I polished off nearly half a box of tissues in that one sitting. I have no idea what is going to happen in tonight's episode, but I am going to give poor J.R. a break from having to deal with my tears by watching it with my good friend Christie. She claims to have also cried her way through the first episode, and her husband hides away too! Perfect! I just hope I don't have to stop watching My Boys, The Closer, and CSI...I'm glad American Idol ended when it did! I may not have made it through to the finale...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
So, today was my first official day off school. I ask you, is there any better way to spend a day than napping with pooches on the couch? Gizmo has found a new favorite perch. She climbs up on top of the belly and curls up into a little ball. Very sweet, but a little painful when she decides to jump down in a flying leap to chase Wicket. Tomorrow I go back to the grindstone, but today was my first lazy day of summer. If Lil' Mo likes naps as much as her mommy does, this will be a cake walk! (Just whammy, no whammy...)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Our other children
My dear husband pointed out that it is a good thing that our pups can't read, or they might be pissed that they didn't get mentioned in earlier posts. Our two darlings are also doing well, although the heat is starting to get to them with their shaggy coats. Here's a recent picture to help illustrate their cuteness.
Ultrasound Pictures
Five Months and Counting
Hello all,
I am starting this blog as a place to share all of the fun changes happening in our small family right now. Pretty soon we will have a little Moore to post about. I am not good at the email updates, so I figure if you're interested you can check in here. Here's the quick update of the last 5 months.
2-14-08 Happy Valentine's Day: We found out that we were finally pregnant.
2/08-4/08 First Trimester: Lots of nausea and extreme tiredness. Boy am I glad that's done!
4/08-6/08 Part of Second Trimester: Feeling fine, if a little stretched. Almost back to full energy.
5/27/08 5 Month ultrasound: It's a girl! And she looks healthy and very active! The tech had to keep repositioning the wand because she kept flipping around.
6/3/08 My students have been very excited about the whole thing. They threw me an end of the year picnic/baby shower and all of the kids gave me their advice on being a good parent. Most of them said love the baby, spend time to show you care, be patient, and have fun. My favorite though I am including below:
Top Five Things to Know About Babies
1. Don't underestimate them! The hair pulling is vicious!
2. If they start crying/screaming, bob and rock.
3. Touch their hair, it's so soft.
4. Play with their hands and feet, they're so little!
5. Don't be mean, do be firm, and don't spoil them.
I think that pretty much covers it!
The kids have started lists of names for the baby. I have somewhere near 500 to consider now!
6/6/08 Movement! I felt the baby move for the first time for sure. I don't know what everyone is talking about with the fluttering butterflies. I got punched in the stomach! I was bending over cleaning tables at lunch, and apparently she doesn't like being squished. It has mellowed into more pushes and twists, but I am finally sure of what I am feeling. I've been walking around with a huge goofy grin on my face every time she starts flipping around.
6/9/08 Today was the last day of school and I got hugs and the baby got rubs and kisses. It was super cute.
SO that's the last few months in a nutshell. I will keep posting as we get more news.
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