Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

I can't believe how much she has grown. Keira is almost 9 months old now.  It seems like the milestones just keep coming!  In the last month, we've seen quite a few.  She had her first full crawl across the floor in our living room.  She's also pulling herself up to standing on any available stable surface.  She can slowly slide her way around our L-shaped couch to get to the toys she wants.  She has cut her first two teeth (front bottom) in the midst of her second ear infection.  That was quite a treat!  We also found out that she is allergic to amoxicillin during that particularly fun week.  She is also babbling quite a bit more.  Mamamamamamamama is a favorite although it is not directed at any one thing or person in particular.  I keep waiting for the breakthrough though!  It is just such a strange feeling to look down and see this beautiful strong sweet child in my lap where I used to have a small helpless infant.  Each day I wake up and wonder what she'll do next!  I'll post new pictures just as soon as I find the cord...