Keira had a great time for her second Halloween! It was great weather, and we were able to go to our neighbor's houses without a coat. She was so excited to dress up and carry her little pumpkin around. Candy makes such a satisfying rattle in the plastic pumpkin! It continues to be her favorite thing to carry her blocks in. By far her favorite part was ringing the doorbells. It makes a fun noise and people come to the door? Sweet! She rings it every morning at daycare now.
Nana took us for a little trip to the Arboretum for a time-honored Daly family tradition. Every fall when I was a kid, my mom would take my brother and I down to the Arboretum to take pictures in the leaves and tromp around on the paths. We took Keira there for her first fall photo op. She had a little trouble figuring out that I wanted her to stay still while I backed away to take the picture. Many of our shots turned out to be motion-blurred as she stumbled back towards me as I tried to move far enough away to get her in frame! It was so much fun! I figure I better get as many of these in as I can before she turns into a reticent tween and karma takes over. (I was horrible!)