Friday, November 28, 2008

First Month Doctor's Visit

So Little Keira is not so little anymore! We went for our first month doctor's visit and she weighed in at 11 lbs. 10 oz.! She has also grown 2.25 inches and her head is 15 inches in circumference. The doctor said this is great progress and shows that she is definitely getting enough food, which is a relief as any first time breast-feeding mom can tell you. You're never quite sure how much she's getting. She has good head control for a baby her age, but still can't lift it using her own power. She likes to stand and bounce quite a bit, with mommy's help of course! We are just getting settled into a better day/night pattern as long as there aren't too many disruptions during the day. Unfortunately, we've had plenty of disruptions in the last week. But when she is looking up at you, wide awake and enthralled, you forget that she had you up into the wee hours of the morning and made you sleep in a chair. I can't believe I have to go back to work in a week...)c: Be sure to check out the new slideshows. As promised, I've added new pics from the last month.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleep... I miss you!  I have missed too many nap opportunities this week and I am paying the price.  J.R. went back to work this week and his new position has him on his feet all day.  He is exhausted when he gets home and then he has school work to try and get done.  I am finding it very hard to be patient and not get frustrated when she wakes up to feed and doesn't go back to sleep.  I can't wait until she starts sleeping through the night...